Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) - 948 Words
The Uses of Blood by the HIV Virus Blood-borne diseases have contributed greatly to poor health outcomes among individuals and communities. Though blood fulfills various functions to ensure our survival, it can also act as the mechanism through which we become diseased. Understanding the characteristics of such infectious diseases is essential to preventing further cases. In this paper I will discuss how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) uses blood to cause illness within the infected individual and transmit to others. In particular, this paper will assess the implications of HIV/AIDS for individuals, between people, and in societies. The outbreak of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized in the 1980s in the†¦show more content†¦This event was important in demonstrating the ability of HIV to spread through blood, along with other bodily fluids. One way that blood is used by HIV/AIDS is to cause illness within those who become infected. While pathogens may be spread through various routes, the HIV virus is commonly transmitted by blood and other bodily fluids because it does not survive for a long duration outside of the body (Avert, 2014b). Though previous studies have reported the potential of HIV to thrive in an external environment for several weeks, the survival of the virus is dependent on several factors including quantity of the fluid, virus concentration, and the surrounding temperature and acidity (Aidsmap, 2015). As such, HIV is transmitted best when it comes into direct contact with people. The optimal route of exposure is through the bloodstream or mucous membranes of the body (, 2014a). Pathways of the blood allow the HIV virus to contact and destroy immune cells. Individuals may feel flu-like symptoms a few weeks after being infected. However, many are unaware of their infection, though contagious, unt il later stages of the disease (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). The destructive actions of HIV lead to increased susceptibility to other infections and the development of certain cancers, which characterizes the later stage of HIV known as AIDS (WHO, 2014). Blood has shown to greatly contribute to the ability of HIV to thrive in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Spotted Owl, the Forests Products Industry, and the...
The Spotted Owl, the Forests Products Industry, and the Public Policy I. Introduction A. The Spotted Owl B. Logging Industry II. Conflicts of Interest A. Economic needs 1.Unemployment B. Preservation Needs 1.Endangered Species Act 2.Special Interest Groups III. Resolutions A. Possible Solutions B. Eventual Outcome 1. Loss of Interest a. Other Species Demand Attention 2. Migration 3. Repopulation Abstract The spotted owl was seen as a symbol of all things environmental during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The logging industry was well on its way to destroying most of the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. Environmentalists swarmed the area, sabotaging logging efforts and calling†¦show more content†¦Many people have wondered why this insignificant owl gets more press than the decimation of salmon streams nationwide, when it would have no economic impact on our society as a whole. The logging industry has made millions of dollars from the harvesting of old growth lumber over the past several decades. Recently, they have become more responsible about clear-cut logging. Harvested forests are often replanted to provide for future wildlife habitat and logging efforts. However, this doesnt help the spotted owl. It needs old growth forests with their tangle of massive trees and thick dense brush. The logging industry is threatened by this small owl. Thousands of jobs have been lost. Families are starving. Lumber prices have skyrocketed. So this sets up a struggle. Loggers need the lumber for economic prosperity. Environmentalists want to protect this owl. How will both parties win? Can both parties win? There are many issues that arise out of this conflict. The public needs cost efficient lumber. The loggers need their jobs. The spotted owl needs a home. One of the largest concerns, dealing with the spotted owl / forest industry debate, is the loss of jobs. There were 21,000 jobs lost during the time that this debate took place (Ross, 1999). The amount of job losses in the logging and milling industry at this time were not solely attributed to the spotted owl controversy. The downward trend in the timber harvest
Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(118) " as it relates to healthcare and healthcare quality disparities, the studies found that inequality in quality exists\." There is a phenomenon in the United States that illustrates how wealth is a cardinal determiner of wellness. Wealth affords those who attain it, certain societal benefits which include entree to high quality instruction, employment, lodging, child care, recreational chances, nutrition, quality medical attention, and safer and cleaner vicinities. In 1985, the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ) constructed the Secretary ‘s Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health. The study was more typical than old studies, comparing four minority groups in the United States every bit good as the White population. In add-on, A it utilised aA statisticalA presentation of A †inordinate deceases †instead than the usual decease rates. This attack emphasized the fact that lives that were lost would non hold been lost had minority decease rates been the same as for the White population. These differences were subsequently coined as wellness disparities. As a consequence of the forceful nature of this study and the demand forA integrating of wellness promotion/disease bar schemes into these populations, the Office of Minority Health was established within HHS. Since the origin of the Office of Minority Health research has shown that disparities exist in the population on the footing of both wellness position and wellness attention bringing. These disparities are the consequence of assorted variables. The lexicon of Public Health defines wellness disparities as â€Å" differing degrees of wellness indexs like life anticipation, baby and perinatal mortality rates, that are observed among sections of a population, discernable in the size of the wellness spread between the highest and lowest section of the population, that frequently correlate with economic indexs, educational degree, employment and lodging conditions. †There are differing theoriesA orA premises usedA to explicate why wellness disparities plague certain populations. What both of these theories lack is the causalA mechanism by whichA the disparities occur. The historical context of attending to wellness disparities began with W.E.B. Du Bois. The being of wellness disparities in America was foremost documented in 1906 by W.E.B. Du Bois. Fueled by the averment that Negroes were an inferior race, Du Bois used nose count and disease informations from the late 1800s to document widespread disparities in bosom disease, infant deceases, maternal deceases, TB, and pox. Based on these observations, Du Bois asserted that such wellness disparities had nil to make with lower status and were strongly associated with multiple factors such as poorness, deficiency of instruction, and societal factors. A The taking wellness disparities include: entree to care, quality of wellness or wellness position, cardiovascular disease, malignant neoplastic disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, asthma, infant mortality, and mental wellness. Quality of attention in peculiar, has shown to hold significant spreads among populations. As it relates to disparities in quality of attention, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality â€Å" Quality wellness attention means making the right thing, at the right clip, in the right manner, for the right people-and holding the best possible consequences. †( Q ) Quality wellness attention is effectual, safe, seasonably, patient centered, just, and efficient. In 1999, Congress commissioned the Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) to look into wellness and wellness attention among racial/ethnic minorities. The consequences of the survey conducted, entitled Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, demonstrated that minorities had p oorer wellness and were systematically acquiring lower-quality attention even when factors such as insurance position and income were n’t involved ( Smeadley, Stith, A ; Nelson 2003 ) . Despite paces towards extinguishing disparities, they still persist. Health attention disparities in quality of attention are found among several mark populations. These populations include: racial and cultural minorities, those of a certain socioeconomic position, occupants of rural countries, low-income groups, adult females, kids, the aged, and individuals with disablements. An copiousness of grounds demonstrates that as a consequence of several factors, a huge bulk of people in these mark population groups do non have high quality wellness attention. Perceived supplier favoritism has both direct and indirect effects on wellness attention use and wellness position. Surveies such as those conducted by Van Houtven et Al. and Blanchard and Lurie found that persons who perceived supplier favoritism significantly delayed wellness attention use ( 10, 15 ) . The biopsychosocial theoretical account explains how stereotyping or bias can bring on emphasis in those who experience it and as a consequence have a negative impact on wellness position. Patient-pro vider miscommunication has several branchings such as medical mistakes, deficient medical attention, and even decease. This type of miscommunication is the consequence of cultural and linguistic communication barriers. Bettering lingual and cultural competence can be accomplished by increasing the proportion of underrepresented clinicians in wellness systems and in medical instruction. Technology lacks in health care seem to besides bring on lacks in quality of attention provided to many of persons in the mark population. Suppliers in rural and destitute countries are holding troubles because they lack the wellness information engineering that their opposite numbers have in the urban and more flush countries. Differential entree to care can take to disparities in quality of wellness attention. Deriving entree to wellness attention is so an of import requirement to obtaining quality wellness attention. Minorities and low-income groups are less likely to hold wellness insurance and are more likely to hold public insurance. Payment rates for Medicaid are significantly lower than for Medicare, hence, minorities having Medicaid or that are uninsured receive attention in different scenes than in private insured or Medicare patient. Evidence suggests that entree to a regular and usual beginning of attention can greatly cut down wellness disparities. Transportation barriers, distance to clinics, or a deficiency of cognition about supplier locations have besides threatened entree to care. In 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, as directed by the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999, presented Congress with the first one-year National Healthcare Disparities Report and the National Healthcare Quality Report. Among the many findings as it relates to healthcare and healthcare quality disparities, the studies found that inequality in quality exists. You read "Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Key findings in the 2009 National Healthcare Quality Report found that attempts to cut down disparities have had an impact, nevertheless, disparities still exist. In the study, it was found an estimated cost $ 65-130 billion can be attributed to premature decease and lower wellness position among uninsured people. The study besides focuses on several scientifically supported nucleus quality measures that autumn into two classs, either process steps or result steps. When compared to White persons: Blacks received worse attention for 50 % and better attention for 15 % of nucleus steps ; Asians received worse attention for 30 % and better attention for 40 % of nucleus steps ; American Indians and Alaska Natives ( AI/ANs ) received worse attention for 45 % and better attention for 25 % of nucleus steps ; Hispanics received worse attention for 70 % and better attention for 20 % of nucleus steps. ( Q ) Associating to income disparities, hapless people received worse attention than high-income people for 75 % and better attention for 5 % of nucleus steps. ( Q ) When comparing the spread in disparities with findings from old old ages, 66 % of nucleus steps have non improved for Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics ; ensuing in a dead or increased spread. For inkinesss in peculiar, the spread seems to somewhat be shuting with an betterment in approximately 20 % of the disparities steps. For AI/ANs there is an betterment of approximately 40 % of disparities steps. However, when reexamining these findings, one may ask whether or non utilization patterns among these groups were taken into consideration besides. Extinguishing or cut downing healthcare disparities will necessitate statute law and action. Health policies and enterprises are made on three degrees of authorities, federal, province, and community-based. An illustration of a large-scale federal-level policy is REACH 2010. Reach 2010 is the CDC ‘s attempt to extinguish racial and cultural disparities. The CDC has awarded grants to 40 community-based alliances countrywide to implement a community-based plans and culturally-appropriate intercessions in the riddance of disparities. An illustration of a state-level policy is the Colorado Turning Point Initiative ( CTPI ) . The CTPI has set up informations aggregation plans to supply a standardised comparing of wellness indexs by race and ethnicity. Systems have besides been created to work towards its intended end of wellness disparities riddance. Such as the development of a province Office of Health Disparities and an betterment in linguistic communication aid for those who lac ks English proficiency. An illustration of a community-based disparities enterprise is the Florida Community-Based Participatory Research ( CBPR ) Initiative in Reducing and Eliminating Health Disparities. This inaugural supports disease intercession research in disparities utilizing community-based participatory research which is conducted by communities and research workers. There are several possible policy options for work outing the job of wellness attention disparities in quality of attention. As many persons in the mark populations are uninsured or underinsured, entree to wellness insurance by manner of policies such as the Healthcare Reform may hold a great impact on wellness disparities. For minorities and other mark groups, Healthcare Reform will take down costs for households, provide greater and more low-cost insurance picks, increase entree to care, advance primary attention, and command chronic disease. Another possible option is the Institute of Medicine ‘s Model of entree to wellness Services. A last possible policy option is acceptance of Health Information Technology ( HIT ) by manner of policies such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ( HITECH ) ACT. The preferable policy option for work outing the job of wellness attention disparities in quality of attention is wide acceptance of HIT. This option should particularly be implemented in destitute and rural countries. The policy ‘s standard should include: acceptance of wellness IT, quality wellness services provided, an impact on wellness disparities, coverage of quality informations, and political feasibleness. The degree of engineering is sufficient to implement this policy option. Presently, there are several types of wellness IT technologies, which includes: electronic wellness records ( EHRs ) , E-health, electronic medical records ( EMRs ) , and computerized supplier order entry ( CPOE ) . Barriers to acceptance may show themselves in the signifier of: cost/lack of capital to put among suppliers, inability to incorporate the HIT with current systems, offline clip, lost of productiveness or income during passage, preparation, and hardware/software ascents. By implementing the HIT acceptance policy the spreads in quality of attention created by wellness disparities can be decreased. Broad acceptance of HIT will greatly even out the industry for all suppliers. Those suppliers in rural or destitute countries, such as Community Health Centers ( CHCs ) , in peculiar will hold the greatest impact on wellness disparities. â€Å" Given that CHCs sever about 14 per centum of the state ‘s uninsured people, 11 per centum of Medicaid enrollees, and 10 per centum of minorities, puting in spread outing CHC ‘s wellness IT capacity seems a valuable scheme to farther cut down wellness disparities for a significant figure of financially vulnerable patients †( Shields 2007 ) . An of import characteristic of Health IT such as EHRs is the clinical supplier support interface that several systems contain. This characteristic provides recommendations on diagnostic and screening trials. â€Å" This Fosters just intervention for diverse pop ulations by extinguishing any possible racial or cultural prejudice form the wellness attention supplier that might impact clinical judgement †( Custodio 2009 ) . The system will to boot help in the decrease of medicine mistakes and inauspicious drug effects with its medicine faculty. This faculty can urge dose, interaction information of several drugs, and generic options. The interoperability of wellness IT technologies such as EHRs will greatly increase functionality and as a consequence, the quality of attention provided. As many in the mark populations may be uninsured, lack the cognition of available resources, may populate far from a individual entity supplier, are hesitating to seek medical attention until something is incorrect, and miss a medical place, they tend to use hospital exigency suites more frequently than needed for medical attention. Health It such as EHRs will let suppliers from assorted clinics or infirmaries, entree a patient ‘s medical records, which will assist to cut down duplicate of services and medical mistakes. EHRs to boot, let for easier coverage of quality informations and public presentation monitoring. The information provided from the coverage will ease enterprises with a end of quality improvements. â€Å" An electronic wellness record that includes certification of demographics, including race and ethnicity, hazard facto appraisals, and preventative and chronic disease direction determination support, enables the clinician to pull off more efficaciously the complex wellness attention demands of our vulnerable populations †( Custodio 2009 ) . Health IT is a valuable tool in the attempt of battling wellness disparities. The political feasibleness associated with the wide acceptance of wellness IT involves several involvement groups or stakeholders. Government bureaus such as the Commission to End Healthcare Disparities ( The Commission ) have taken an active function in this issue and will interest in the result of this policy alteration. The Commission is a federal undertaking force focuses on quality, physician leading, and systems as a agency to extinguishing disparities. Community organisations besides play a critical function in the issue as they are the 1s that have direct contact with those in the mark population. This policy alteration will let them to come in the community and be a liason between suppliers and the mark population. The mark population groups have the most at interest when it comes to the policy alteration seeing that they are the 1 ‘s straight affected by the disparities. Healthcare suppliers or health care organisations besides have a interest in the policy alteration since they will be buying the systems needed to implement the alteration. Employers and concerns such as insurance or wellness IT software/hardware companies will besides hold a interest in this policy alteration with both perchance benefiting from the alteration. The stakeholders in support of the policy alteration include: authorities bureaus, community organisations, mark population, and the HIT software/hardware companies. The group that would perchance oppose the alteration is the health care providers/healthcare organisations. Countrywide several little doctor groups that service the rural or impoverished countries have been loath to follow HIT. Hospitals have besides been hesitant in their acceptance because of the associated barriers. This policy would be supported by Democrats. Recently the two such policies aimed at HIT execution, the HITECH Act and the Healthcare Reform, have been passed under a democratic disposal. Economically, the execution of HIT comes with a brawny monetary value ticket. The Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ) conducted a survey sing EHRs execution and associated cost. The CBO found that the cost of execution for primary practician offices ranged between $ 25,000-50,000 per doctor. ( perot ) Additionally, one-year operating, licensing, and care costs ranged between $ 3,000-9,000 per doctor. Execution costs for infirmaries averaged $ 14,500 per bed with one-year operating costs of $ 2,700 per bed. ( Perot ) The HITECH Act was enacted as portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with an purpose of exciting the acceptance of wellness IT and the meaningful usage of HER systems. In the act, the authorities allocated $ 19 billion to set towards the execution of EHRs countrywide. The authorities will supply Medicare or Medicaid reimbursements and $ 44,000 discount as inducements to follow EHRs between 2011-2015. After 2015 any wellness attention organisations t hat have failed to follow a system and pattern their meaningful usage will confront punishments. As portion of the Healthcare Reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, contains several commissariats for acceptance of HIT and betterment in entree to care for the uninsured and underinsured. The overall jutting cost of the Healthcare Reform is $ 940 billion for the first decennary. The gross to implement the recommended policy alteration will come from revenue enhancements and supplier capital. Equally long as the policy is implemented right, the benefits of the policy alteration will be every bit accessible among the mark population. Harmonizing to the HITECH Act, by 2015, all health care suppliers are expected to implement wellness IT. In order to guarantee successful execution a mechanism should be used to supervise whether disparities increase with the wide acceptance of EHRs or other wellness IT. Fraud nevertheless, may happen in the signifier of a security breach of the HIT system. â€Å" Internal breaches of security continue to be the primary security concern identified by health care IM/IT executives †( book ) . There is besides the potency for gross misdirection or waste of ARRA financess. In order to implement this policy efficaciously, a strategic execution program must be in topographic point. Collaboration among most if non all stakeholders must take topographic point, peculiarly between suppliers, authorities, and community-based organisations. Diversity and competency within the health care system and its work force must be improved. A quality-based reimbursement system for authorities operated insurances should be in topographic point. A undertaking force should be created in order to promote suppliers in rural countries to follow EHRs and other HIT. Health disparities should be included in the quality steps reported by suppliers to CMS in order to be eligible for meaningful usage inducement payments. State degree schemes should include: preparing or updating the province route map for HIT acceptance, set uping a province leading office, and set up chances for wellness IT preparation and instruction. Federal-level schemes occur in an ongoing three phase attempt. Stage one begins in 2011 and dressed ores on electronically entering wellness information in coded format. Stages 2 and 3 will be occur between 2013-2015 and expands on aims and steps, concentrating chiefly on the interoperability of HIT and it ‘s associate betterments in public wellness. How to cite Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
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