Friday, January 24, 2020
What Are Poor Listening Skills :: essays research papers
Speech Communication Listening Paper                What are Poor Listening Skills?      As a freshman in college it is extremely overwhelming. You have to maintain good grades and a healthy social life- grade come first of course. However, it can become difficult to learn the material because many kids develop a decrease in attention span. That’s where listening skills have to be established. I find myself losing focus in some of my classes. It was good to know that I wasn’t the only one.      One class in which I have observed poor listening skills is psychology. I’ve noticed the same thing a couple of times actually. The class consists of about forty students, of which a little more than half show up. The ones who do show up walk in half awake. They all seem tired and they carry a big cup of coffee. You have the few who pretend to care or at least make themselves care by sitting in the front row of class because they know they can’t fall asleep there. And finally the ones who take the seats behind the tall kids and all the way in the back of the classroom.      Well one day while practicing my daily routine of not paying attention I noticed various listening barriers. For one, I know that many students have no interest in psychology. Especially with the fact that right now we’re learning about the biology of psychology. Basically, it is pretty flat material that isn’t something that might interest kids at 9:30 in the morning. Another barrier is the fact that the speaker is susceptible to criticism because of the way she delivers her lessons. She has a monotonous tone of voice that makes her seem jaded to teaching her class. We also lose interest of what she is saying because he follows the textbook practically verbatim. She doesn’t add any â€Å"spice†to the lesson.      Another type of barrier is that some kids fake attention. They seem to be taking notes and I’m pretty sure they actually think they’re paying attention and taking notes. But I’ve noticed their papers and see a collection of doodles. Basically they have adapted themselves to â€Å"listening†while they actually aren’t.     This is the most common of the barriers that I have noticed. Many kids try to avoid losing focus by sitting at the front of the class.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Ashinabe Culture
The research is focused on one of the Indian tribes of Canada called the Ashinabe. Their culture and social customs are investigated, its importance determined and put into context within the contemporary culture. The Ashinabe of the Great Lakes tribes settled in Turtle Island in Canada before the arrival of the Europeans or the â€Å"light-skinned race â€Å"as the Ashinabe called them.They were a member of the group called the First Nations consisting of native â€Å"Indian†inhabitants of Canada. The Ashinabe had close family ties and kin communities.However, like other natives of modern times, the Ashinabe had to fight for their rights to their land and culture. As inherent to the natives who first inhabit the Continents of America, the Ashinabe are rich in social custom. The meaning and practices of these customs are handed down from generation to generation by the respected Elders through stories that are often identified as myths and legends. The Ashinabe had clear di vision of what does a woman and man do in society. The women were in-charge of household chores while the men go out to hunt for food.The Ashinabe males take pride in their hunting skills. Another particular example of Ashinabe social custom is the telling of stories, of which the prominent one is the foretelling of the future through the Seven prophecies of Fire that represents seven different eras. It is interesting to note that in these fourth through sixth prophecies, it tells of the coming of the â€Å"light-skinned people†and how they will influence the Ashinabe people and this is validated by history when the Europeans came and took over the land and introduce their own teachings and way of life.The Ashinabe people love to hold ceremonies which is often a reflection of their religious beliefs (in spirits of nature). In conducting their ceremonies the Ashinabe had the social custom of gathering together in circles. They have a ceremony called the sharing circle where a facilitator encourages the members of the circle to share their feelings or their views concerning a problem or solution.If it is a healing circle, facilitated by experienced healers, the members are asked of their desire to begin the healing process and this could be an emotional activity for the participants hence emotional supports are provided during and after the circle. For doctoring ailments, the medicine man consults the spirits for remedies. In both circles, a stick, or stone or feather is passed around to make the sharing easier and focused. In ceremonies, sacred fires are lit and tobacco offerings are offered to the Creator, Kitchi- Manitou.The most well known ceremony of the Ashinabe is the Pow Wow (feast of the pipes) with its activity of following a Pow Wow trail all summer. Unfortunately, because of commercialization and as an attraction to tourist, people forget that Pow Wow is indeed a serious ceremony for peace and giving gratitude and appreciation for the spirits of nature, with each song and dance offered as prayers to their Creator. The participants wore colorful regalia, jingle dress that is full of symbolic meaning but unfortunately recognized by most as just a costume.Feasts are then held after the Pow Wow ceremony where squash, corn and beans (the Three Sisters that sustained their ancestors) are always included to feed the people. A spirit plate, containing a sample of every dish, is made before any one partakes of the food and it is passed around for the guest. Feasts are also held for other occasions like weddings or when naming a child. The Ashinabe also practice the giving away of gifts in their ceremonies and feasts to honor someone and this gifts should be meaningful to the giver and to the one with whom the gift is given.The social custom of the Ashinabe people is very important as it reflect the way of life of the past and hence, the history of the early inhabitants of Canada. Although their ceremonies are considered now as o ne of the main tourist attractions and their ritual object as souvenirs, to the Ashinabe it held a deep symbolic meaning and tells so much of who they are as a person and people. Moreover, the social custom of the Ashinabe tells so much of how they view life and understanding these social customs is the key to understanding the Ashinabe mind and culture.The Ashinabe culture in some ways contradicts the contemporary culture which can be a source of conflict and tension, like for example in contemporary culture, tobacco is not used as an offering and women seeks fulfillment outside the home. However, one can observed that Ashinabe culture is similar to the contemporary culture like having a feast and ceremony for special occasions. Moreover, as the Ashinabe culture gets intermingled in the mainstream culture they help enrich and give color to the culture of the whites.For example, the Pow Wow had become a good attraction for business, the arts and objects of the Ashinabe people had be come favorite souvenirs and home decorations. However, the Ashinabe also adopted the culture of the whites, making them lose their own culture and hence their leadership and confidence in themselves. At present, Ashinabe people are trying to revive their culture but the problem however is with the Cultural Appropriation that takes place when the dominant whites claim as their own the culture (their arts and literature, for example) of the minorities like the Ashinabe.The whites gain profit by selling the arts of the Ashinabe. Moreover, the most painful is the taking of the Ashinabe historical lands (without their consent and often through a betrayal of trust and promises) which had played a major role in their cultural history. This has been one of the sources of contention and conflict between the government and the Ashinabe people at present.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Pros and Cons on Assisted Suicide - Essay - 1221 Words
Keri Starkel Pros and cons on assisted suicide Pages 5 What happens to a person when they get so depressed that they are on the verge of suicide? Well the only answer would be to commit it but what if that person cant find the guts to go through it alone. Well then they ask for assistance. This is called assisted suicide. Assisted suicide or in other words euthanasia is the killing by an act of an independent human being for their own benefit. There are many kinds of definitions that one must argue the fact of, what is euthanasia. Well you would have to keep reading farther on. Euthanasia can either be voluntary or non voluntary, when it then becomes murder. But what it is not is that its not euthanasia unless the death is†¦show more content†¦So as you can see the economic gravity is quite obvious. Most people haven’t realized the connection between the suicides attempts and the assisted suicide attempts. Doctors prefer to see it as a matter of choice, than a modern- religion effect. But in this case few doctors are actually against the killing of their own patients. Assisted suicide in all is a major deal not only in the US but in other parts of the country, and should not be legalized. But then you have these people who want assisted suicide to be legalized. This is when the pros come into play. There are two views on human life. Doctors in question think, in my opinion, should be able to kill a patient, if patient is willing. Physicians in question do not inflict the death that the patient overcomes. If the government would legalize euthanasia, then people wouldn’t have to pay thousands of dollars on the simple drugs. The only thing that people have to think about is what an Oregon man said; Palliative care has been the main beneficiary of the Oregon death with the Dignity Act. In which the Dignity Act legalized assisted suicide by the physician. Ask yourself why not? If a person is on the verge of killing themselves, it’s like killing them at the same time. When DerekShow MoreRelatedAssisted Suicide878 Words  | 4 PagesPersuasive Essay   Assisted suicide is the suicide of a person, done with the help of another person but mostly a physician. (Wikipedia) This can be a very debatable topic because it has actually been legalized in different parts of the world. By having this act legalized, it doesn’t really mean that the assistor won’t get persecuted. Many people may not agree with my point of view, but in my opinion assisted suicide should not be legalized at all.  First of all, there are many pros such as Read MoreMedical Treatments For A Doctor s Visit1487 Words  | 6 Pagesthe state you live in does not support your decision and only gives the option of lying in your death bed on life support. This research paper examines, if assisted suicide should be allowed in all states? 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At the beginning of the semester I was asked to write a progress report of my writing thus far. During that memo I wrote three goals; to improve my grammar, to add more details to my essays, and fixing mistakes from past essays. White Paper So far I have found all of my sources for my white paper. I have been able to find about five websites for assisted suicide and I have found four websites against assisted suicide. I have talked to a few people about assisted suicide andRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Physician Assisted Suicide Essay1095 Words  | 5 PagesArgumentative Essay: Physician Assisted Suicide, Should it be Legalized? Physician assisted suicide is requested by the terminally ill, typically when the pain from the illness is too much to handle and is not manageable through treatments or other medications. 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But body is mortal. In life there could be multiple problems. Some problems could be life threatening. There are some stages in life where one has to make decisions. Imagine you are in a place where you lost all your vital abilities and you have to spend your entire life like that. Your family and friend are in pain too just like you are in pain. What would you doRead MoreEssay on Is Physician Assisted Suicide Ethical?2628 Words  | 11 PagesIs Physician Assisted Suicide Ethical? Theresa Anderson SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics amp; Social Responsibility Instructor: David Jung November 25, 2012 Physician assisted suicide, is this an ethical procedure? Many feel strongly on both sides of this issue. Some states such as Washington and Oregon have made Physician assisted suicide legal. Other states such as Michigan and Massachusetts have put the issue to a vote and the voters have turned down the option. What exactly is physicianRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal Essay1894 Words  | 8 Pagesback into oblivion. They can exist in this state for many months, but why must they or anyone else? Physician assisted suicide could help with that if it were legal. Physician Assisted Suicide needs to be legalized in states because a person should have the right to end their life if they will be in excruciating pain or a drug induced stupor for their remaining life. Physician Assisted Suicide is when a physician gives a terminally ill patient a prescription for a lethal dose of a medicine (â€Å"PhysicianRead MoreTaking a Look at Euthanasia1733 Words  | 7 Pages‘mercy killing’, and ‘assisted suicide’, has been and continues to be the subject to moral, legal, religious and political debates around the world. At the core of debate lies to competing values between the right for every individual to decide to die with dignity when suffering, and the need to uphold the right to life. (Australian Human Rights Commission. 1996) The purpose of this task is to critically analyse the nature and extent of euthanasia and whether assisted suicide should or should not
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